Nature's Miracle Advance Formula Spray 32oz
NATURE’S MIRACLE® Advanced FormulaStain and Odor Remover is strong enough for your pet’s worst messes,especially those that are old or set-in. The advanced formula works toremove severe and stubborn organic stains and odors—including overlookedaccidents, deep-set dirt and grass, smoke, food, stomach upsets, bloodand more. The bio-enzymatic cleaning capabilities of Nature’s MiracleAdvanced Formula Stain and Odor Remover makes it one of the bestperforming products in the pet industry as it is capable of removingstains and odors even where other products have failed. Nature’s MiracleAdvanced Formula Stain and Odor Remover may be used for stubborn stainsand odors caused by dogs and other pets on carpets, hard surfaces,clothing, kennels, and carriers.
How it Works:
Nature’sMiracle Advanced Formula Stain and Odor Remover works quickly to get atthe source of even the most stubborn stains and odors by actuallysurrounding organic stain and odor matter. This breakdown works toeliminate any stain or odor rather than simply masking them as otherproducts may do. The process works best when allowed to dry naturally(sometimes taking up to two weeks) and it is especially important thatthe product reach all of the affected areas- including carpet pads andsubfloors where stains and odors can spread far beyond what is visible.
Stain Removal:
• Wipe away any excess stain-causing material, then soak the surfacethoroughly with Nature’s Miracl dvanced Formula Stain and Odor Remover.
• Wait 5 minutes, then wipe away stain with a cloth. For tough stains, use a stiff, bristle brush.
• If the stain is not completely removed, re-soak area and allowNature’s Miracle Advanced Formula Stain and Odor Remover to work for 1hour before wiping with a cloth.
• Keep the product away from children and pets and do not allow pets onto the treated area until it is completely dried.
Odor Elimination:
• Thoroughly soak the entire area with Nature’s Miracle AdvancedFormula Stain and Odor Remover. For carpets, apply enough to reach theurine penetration in the pad and floor. This may mean lifting the carpetand applying directly to the pad and floor.
• Allow the product to air dry. Depending on air circulation, carpets and upholstery may take up to 2 weeks to dry completely.
• If after 2 weeks there is still an odor, Nature’s Miracle AdvancedFormula Stain and Odor Remover has not reached ALL of the odor-causingmaterial. Pinpoint odor source and repeat cleaning process.
• Keep the product away from children and pets and do not allow pets onto the treated area until it is completely dried.
• Saturate areas of fabric affected by stain and odor with full-strength product, then wash as usual.
How it Works:
Nature’sMiracle Advanced Formula Stain and Odor Remover works quickly to get atthe source of even the most stubborn stains and odors by actuallysurrounding organic stain and odor matter. This breakdown works toeliminate any stain or odor rather than simply masking them as otherproducts may do. The process works best when allowed to dry naturally(sometimes taking up to two weeks) and it is especially important thatthe product reach all of the affected areas- including carpet pads andsubfloors where stains and odors can spread far beyond what is visible.
Stain Removal:
• Wipe away any excess stain-causing material, then soak the surfacethoroughly with Nature’s Miracl dvanced Formula Stain and Odor Remover.
• Wait 5 minutes, then wipe away stain with a cloth. For tough stains, use a stiff, bristle brush.
• If the stain is not completely removed, re-soak area and allowNature’s Miracle Advanced Formula Stain and Odor Remover to work for 1hour before wiping with a cloth.
• Keep the product away from children and pets and do not allow pets onto the treated area until it is completely dried.
Odor Elimination:
• Thoroughly soak the entire area with Nature’s Miracle AdvancedFormula Stain and Odor Remover. For carpets, apply enough to reach theurine penetration in the pad and floor. This may mean lifting the carpetand applying directly to the pad and floor.
• Allow the product to air dry. Depending on air circulation, carpets and upholstery may take up to 2 weeks to dry completely.
• If after 2 weeks there is still an odor, Nature’s Miracle AdvancedFormula Stain and Odor Remover has not reached ALL of the odor-causingmaterial. Pinpoint odor source and repeat cleaning process.
• Keep the product away from children and pets and do not allow pets onto the treated area until it is completely dried.
• Saturate areas of fabric affected by stain and odor with full-strength product, then wash as usual.